Why exploring root causes of sleep issues matters
Sleep is the quintessential wellness pursuit that is non-negotiable for overall good health and well-being, yet so many of us find ourselves relentlessly tossing and turning with seemingly no end in sight. A study reports that 1 in 3 adults aged 35-64 are not getting enough sleep, and that there are a number of factors related to insufficient sleep patterns for adults that are impacting overall quality and quantity of rest. These factors range from chronic stress to poor mental health and a sedentary lifestyle, all of which can create domino effects of sorts that lower not only the amount of sleep we get each night, but wreak havoc on the next day, too.
It used to be that when we couldn’t fall asleep, or we woke up the next day and didn’t feel refreshed, we would brush it off a a ‘bad night’ or a chance happenstance. Today, more and more people are interested in digging deep to explore the root causes of sleep issues in an attempt to solve them once and for all. This article will explore some of the key root causes of restless sleep and how we can look to natural sleep remedies and sleep aids for support.
Digestion & sleep: how your gut affects rest
One of the lesser explored root causes of sleep challenge starts in our stomachs. This study explored the correlation between digestive symptoms, such as upset stomach, heartburn and acid reflux and sleep disturbances, and found that these do seem to be strongly associative. We know that when we eat too much, or too close to bedtime, our bodies expend energy on digestion rather than on helping us achieve the restful sleep we need. For those who are commonly afflicted with indigestion, upset stomach, acid reflux or any other digestion-related ailment, you know how important it is to tame tummy troubles to support proper rest. One of our original formulations here at Saje is called Eater’s Digest, and it has been licensed in Canada to help soothe the effects of stomach discomfort, and to support healthy digestive function.
The way we like to use this comforting and relieving blend is to roll directly onto the stomach and to massage in a clockwise direction on the body. The feeling of the blend is gently warming and subtle, and oils of sweet fennel, peppermint, roman chamomile and black pepper help you to feel better, fast. Keeping digestive issues in check throughout the day is one of the ways we can positively impact the likelihood of arriving at bedtime sans tummy ache.
Pain & discomfort: sleeping through aches and pains
Would you be surprised to learn that more than about 1 in 5 (or over 8 million people!) in Canada live with chronic pain? Staggering as these numbers are, what’s even more heartbreaking is that the article goes on to say that “chronic pain is largely invisible, and those affected often feel disbelieved and stigmatized.” If you find yourself identifying as one of those 1 in 5, you know that sleep is often one of the times of day that pain can feel the most debilitating.
The irony of it all is that the body needs deep, restful and supportive sleep in order to heal and repair, and so the cycle of pain preventing good quality sleep is one we’re on a mission to break! We think it prudent to address the symptoms and root causes of pain issues whenever possible, which is why we offer such a large collection of products as part of our Pain & Recovery category. Today, we’re focusing on one of our hero roll-ons, called Extra Strength.
Extra Strength was formulated to be exceptional in all ways; our largest roll-on, our strongest pain-relieving blend and our most highly efficacious formulation, made with proven ingredients like sweet birch, peppermint and clove to act as inflammation-reducers, pain blockers and overall comfort givers. It’s meant to be used for acute pain, so for example when you’ve gone too hard in the gym. We like to use this product on larger muscle groups, like quads, hamstrings and calves for relief from aching, tension, dull pain and soreness with a powerful, warming feeling on the skin.
Managing and working to alleviate pain throughout the day may mean that bedtime feels more manageable, as we’re focusing less on the experience of soreness or aching that is prone to keeping us awake.
Stress & racing thoughts: quieting the mind before bed
We think the most widely recognized culprit that prevents so many of us from a good night’s rest is related to stress. In fact, stress can have a significant negative impact on sleep in many ways; preventing you from falling asleep, reducing the quality and duration of sleep, and creating an even higher stress response the next day, keeping you feeling trapped.
The good news is that relief is on the way. In aromatherapy, there are many ingredients that are studied for the way they create feelings of calm in both the body and mind, and that are known to help quiet a busy mind, ease racing thoughts and overall encourage a more meditative and peaceful state of mind.
Our Stress Release roll on is one of the most powerful products we offer in support of ease and reduction of stressful feelings. It’s blended with calming essential oils like lavender, orange, clary sage, geranium and vetiver, a harmonizing blend of plant ingredients studied for the way they support creating a sense of balance that encourages slowing down and being in the present moment. This is a product we recommend using throughout your day, whenever stress strikes. Rolling along the temples and forehead or over the shoulders and along the wrists can help curb emotional overwhelm to help keep stress levels low, in support of good rest. Bonus? Lavender is one of the most widely recognized natural remedies to encourage restful sleep.
We also offer a roll-on blend called Power Down that was formulated specifically to address the symptom of stress that for so many of us, keeps us tossing and turning throughout the night, which is racing thoughts. We know how powerful the mind is, and when it has us in a loop rehashing old conversations or reliving unpleasant memories, sleep can feel hard to come by. This unique formulation uses essential oils like frankincense and basil, both of which are reported for the significant impact they have on one’s mental and emotional state and sweet birch, which is more typically found in pain relieving products. We’ve blended it in Power Down to create a mild, topical cool feeling on the skin, which can act as a distractant, allowing the mind to calm and shift perspective.
Change in routine: how travel & lifestyle shifts impact sleep
The last way we’re discussing root causes of restlessness is perhaps one of the most common, which is disruptions to our sleep cycle. Whether we travel through different time zones or we suddenly find ourselves working the midnight shift, anything that challenges our pre-established rhythms can certainly have implications for our sleep.
When it comes to jet lag for example, a bright and lively essential oil like lemon can help us cut through the fog of mental exhaustion and confusion, encouraging us to feel more wakeful and invigorated. If an oil like valerian root is a natural sleep aid, lemon is the antidote, encouraging you to feel enlivened. You can of course reach for our Energy blend as well, containing lemon, rosemary and peppermint, and licensed in Canada to help reduce tension and mental fatigue.
It’s important to remember that some people are more susceptible to jet lag than others, and there are things you can do in advance of travel that support making the adjustments easier, like getting plenty of sunlight in the morning to help support balancing your circadian rhythms.
General sleep challenges, addressed
When it comes to sleep, none of us are immune to its challenges. Here are some top tips for creating a sound sleep routine that help you feel your best each night:
- Establish and maintain a consistent sleep routine. Going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day and night can have a profound positive effect on your sleep cycle.
- Avoid using screens and electronics before bed. You’ve heard it many times before, but it really is best to give your brain some much-needed space from digital stimulation at least one hour before bed.
- Avoid stimulants like caffeine for at least 8 hours before calling it a night. The general rule of thumb would be to finish any coffee or energy drinks by around lunchtime.
- Keep your room cool and calm. A lower temperature in the bedroom is proven to help encourage falling into a state of rest and keeping electronics like TVs and even phones outside of the room may also support in telling your brain that this sanctuary is for sleep only.
- Try establishing calm habits before bedtime like a warm bath, gentle stretching, reading a book or journaling to help set the tone for rest and relaxation.
Here’s to a good night’s sleep for all!